History August 15, 1944 - at midnight - African Commandos squads climbing Cap Negre
" Captain [Ducournau], with both hands, grips the edge of the rock and, with the flexibility of a cat, begins to climb the steep slopes of the impressive promontory which, in the night, becomes even more so. The thirty-five men don't need asking. They rush to the cliff, some with submachine guns or grenade launchers and grenade pouches slung over their shoulders, others with a load of around thirty kilos of explosives on their backs..." A legendary army, the African commandos
“They work with a dagger.” This is how General Giraud characterized the new Commando unit which, under the orders of Commander Bouvet, had been training since September 1943 in Staouéli, very close to Algiers which, in a few months, were going to register on their pennant the glorious names of Pianosa, the Isle of Elba and Provence..."
Liberation of Toulon and Frejus " ...Commander Rigaud approaches Rayol beach, but, deceived by the darkness, he sets up a green light 800 meters further east of the beach. The naval assault group landed south of Théoule and came across an unreported minefield, followed by a massive American parachute drop in the Muy region..."
The Armies of Liberty Film of the Anglo-American and French landings in Provence on August 14-15, 1944