Hyères les Palmiers
La Londe les Maures
Bormes les Mimosas
Le Lavandou
Le Rayol Canadel
Cavalaire sur Mer
Saint Tropez

important figures & statistics on Le Lavandou

Blason du Lavandou. France
Administrative information

.Postcode: 83980 – INSEE code: 83070. Le Lavandou Town Hall SIREN number: 218 300 705
.Latitude : N 43°39'54" - Longitude : E 7°4'43"
.Surface area: 3005 ha or 29.65km². Average altitude: 243m. Altitude in town centre: 8m

.Var department – 4th district. Canton: Collobrières (La Crau, Hyères, Bormes-les-Mimosas, Collobrières, Le Lavandou). Inter-municipal links with Méditerranée Porte des Maures since 2013 (La Londe, Bormes, Collobrières, Cuers, Le Lavandou, Pierrefeu du Var)
.Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur geolocation

.Dialling code: 04 (dial +33-4... from abroad)

Economy & Sociology

.Population in 2020 insee : 5980 - Men: 46,70% - Women: 53,30% - density 201.7 inhabitants/ km2. Birth rate 7.2%. Mortality 19.9%
.Inactive population (>15 years): 50.90% - Average income €22,300/year - Tax-advantaged households 53% - Unemployment rate 20.50% - Poverty rate 18%
.Hotel capacity: 35 hotels (850 rooms) 8 campsites (830 pitches) 7 villages and tourist residences (1840 places)
.Lavandou Community budget
.Lavandou tourist tax
.Housing 11,951 (including secondary: 71.5%) – Average property price €6,661/m² – Owners 51.2%

.Town covering 12km of coves and sandy beaches in a protected setting. Neighbouring towns: Bormes 2km west and Le Rayol-Canadel 8km east

The Môle River runs through the town and its neighbourhoods known as "écarts"
Le Lavandou neighbourhood map

Natural risks overview

.Risk database provided
.Landslide risk mapping
.Information from buyers
.Risk mapping in Var coast
.Air quality mapping

.Nuisance odour mapping
.Bathing water quality

.Ozone pollution emergency measures

Election statistics

Electoral body Registered: 5729
.Legislative elections 2024
.Europeans 2024
.Presidential elections 2022
.Municipal elections 2020
.Europeans 2019
.Legislative elections 2017

Lavandou history

100 ans du LavandouLe Lavandou was part of Bormes until 1913. The hamlet was founded by Italian migrants, fishermen and peasants from Piedmont in 1730. “Lauvandoun” was mentioned in 1700, a deformation of “Lavadou” synonymous with “lavoir” (washhouse) or “lavandula stoecha” (flower naturally occurring in Provence). The Greeks established the town of Alconis near Lavandou in Cavalière Bay.
1376, Sainte Catherine de Sienne set sail from Le Lavandou.
1481, Saint Francois de Paule from Calabria landed here; Le Lavandou’s fishermen carried the statue of the saint during processions in Bormes. It was sacked and burned down several times by the Duke of Bourbon’s troops in 1524, Moorish sailors in 1529 and Charles V’s fleet a decade later.
1765, Catalan sailors arrived.
1794, Bonaparte visited to inspect the military batteries on-site.
1909, composer Ernest Reyer was buried here. He helped Le Lavandou become famous.

1913, Bormes-les-Mimosas and Le Lavandou were split into two separate towns.
1973, Twin Town with Kronberg im Taunus (Germany)
2013 Lavandou centennial commemoration
.Official “floral village” (4 flowers) and distinction for the quality of its bathing waters (Pavillon Bleu).
.Learn on Lavandou history and Lavandou’s mayors

Anglade Hotel
Camp du Domaine

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Hyères les Palmiers La Londe les Maures Bormes les Mimosas Le Lavandou Le Rayol Canadel Cavalaire sur Mer La Croix Valmer Saint Tropez
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